Cloud Soultions

Cloud Soultions

BITBOT is an end-to end service provider for all your cloud computing needs. We are a pioneering multi–cloud Hybrid IT solution provider with global footprint across America, Europe and Asia-Pacific region.

Cloud computing offers big businesses some serious cost-saving potential. Before the cloud became a viable alternative, companies were required to purchase, construct and maintain costly information management technology and infrastructure. Now, instead of investing millions in huge server centers and intricate, global IT departments that require constant upgrades, a firm can use "lite" versions of workstations with lightning fast internet connections, and the workers will interact with the cloud online to create presentations, spreadsheets and interact with company software

Why Cloud from us

99% uptime SLA
Thanks to our state-of-art datacenters, and disaster recovery services, we guarantee 99.99% server uptime SLA.
N+1 infrastructure
Our N+1 infrastructure have surplus/backup for power supply, network, load balancers and multiple HVAC systems, essential for business continuity.

No Lock-In Period
Experience complete freedom with our Zero lock-in Public cloud plans. We can not only configure and deploy your cloud as and whenyou need but also terminate the contract anytime you wish to.
Flexible Payment Terms
We offer wide options of payment choices, including cheque and bank transfers for our public cloud offerings.

Cloud Management Portal
Our Cloud Management Portal lets you configure, provision and manage your entire cloud platform at the click of a button.

Public Cloud

Built on the latest virtualization technology, SimpliCloud comes with a comprehensive self-service portal and an extensive set of managed services. It simplifies your transition to the cloud, enables you to manage your capacity needs dynamically and adapt quickly to changing business requirements.

Private Cloud

NTT Com-Netmagic guarantees a highly structured approach to your private cloud design and development. Our Private Cloud implementation services take into consideration both your current business needs and future needs to scale through hybrid IT or virtual private cloud environments.


Migration of on-premise workloads to cloud infrastructure has proven benefits in terms of cost reduction, scalability, optimized performance and regulatory compliance. However, traditional processes for workload migration are very complex and involve a significant amount of manual activities and multiple tools. The presence of heterogeneous applications and varied workloads makes migration a time consuming process that requires multiple skillsets. In addition, migration is mostly an offline process, typically involving a large amount of downtime.